Virtual Power Plant
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VPP Architecture
VPP Architecture Principia follow the EU regulations, as the 2019 EU Electricity Directive creates a legal framework to recognise “citizen energy communities,” defining one as a legal entity that:
(a) is based on voluntary and open participation and is effectively controlled by members or shareholders that are natural persons, local authorities, including municipalities, or small enterprises;
(b) has for its primary purpose to provide environmental, economic or social community benefits to its members or shareholders or to the local areas where it operates rather than to generate financial profits; and
(c) may engage in generation, including from renewable sources, distribution, supply, consumption, aggregation, energy storage, energy efficiency services or charging services for electric vehicles or provide other energy services to its members or shareholders.
Energy sharing is a model where citizens can exchange locally produced power with one another (peer-to-peer) — or external markets. The EU Directive 2018/2001 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources defines peer-to-peer trading of renewable energy as:
“The sale of renewable energy between market participants by means of a contract with pre-determined conditions governing the automated execution and settlement of the transaction, either directly between market participants or indirectly through a certified third-party market participant, such as an aggregator.”
A bottom-up, consumer-centric community energy model could transform our energy system to be more democratic, sustainable and stable. The European Union has laid the legal foundations for this reconstruction of energy system. Now it’s up to the Member States and local authorities to ensure the concept will flourish, democratically accelerating decarbonisation.
Multi-region architecture distributes a single application instance (a node) across multiple physical locations. The VPP’s multi-region distributed architecture features high availability and fault tolerance in the event of disruptions, such as hardware, power, and software failures, along with data corruption and security breaches. The system that runs critical energy infrastructure must be build for prevention of disasters, not just planning for recovery.
Building for prevention from system’s core foundations up to the front-end layers requires scalable infrastructure to meet fluctuating user demand. The energy consumption at night vs mid-day differs significantly in most of energy clusters, so is the data traffic. The VPP architecture is designed for seamless scaleability and frugal AI MLOps orchestrated by intelligent load balancers that make a use of energy efficient edge computing devices. The large system deployment considerations include comparing cloud versus on-premises costs, global infrastructure versus regional silos, and the cost of mitigation.
Multi-region architecture is particularly suited for satisfying the growing library of data privacy regulations. The complexity of compliance requirements in different countries defines the database architecture suitability for distributed multi-region architecture on the basis of multi-write capability, geo-partitioning, and edge computing compatibility.
ESG Reporting CSRD Data Management
VPP platform enables sustainability professionals to streamline the Environmental, Social and Governance reporting process. The aggregation and ML technologies automate the collection and monitoring of large amounts of data from multiple sources, improve analytics and verification processes, and allow for interactive reporting with access to real-time data.

Smart PPA
Schedule a call with our energy market Specialist to learn more about our Smart PPA offer. More details about your energy needs can be provided via the Load Profile form to fast-track the quote process.